Kommste. Kiekste. Staunste.
You want to get to know Berlin through the eyes of a Berliner?
Hear stories you won't find in any travel guide? Discover places that only locals know?
Sign up now for a
free Greet!
What is a Greet?
During a Greet, your Greeter takes you on a walk through "his" Berlin. You can discover the city from a personal perspective.
In contrast to a standard city tour, with dates and lists of boring facts, you will learn about the individual stories of the Greeter Berlin and the different neighborhoods.
Conclusion: Our Greeters are the "sights" with their very own anecdotes!
Our Core Values
Greeters work on a voluntary basis, giving a friendly welcome to all their visitors.
Small groups
Greeters welcome individual guests and groups of up to 6 people. The focus is on the dialogue between the Greeter and the guest.
Free of charge
The walk with a Greeter is free of charge.
Without discrimination
All guests and volunteers are welcome without discrimination.
Greeters support sustainable tourism. They respect the natural and social environment. Greeters promote the image of their city.
Cultural exchange
Greeters help build a better world by establishing people-to-people contact.
The Greeter Concept
The idea of a "welcome visitor programme" was launched in 1992 by American Lynn Brooks and her Big Apple Greeters in New York City.
Lynn wanted to show guests "her" New York: a great city with many different neighborhoods, people, and stories. Since then, numerous destinations all over the world have been added, which are organized as independent groups within the International Greeter Association.
In Germany, too, there are now Greeters in many cities. You can find a complete overview at www.deutschland-greeter.de.
Welcome - Berliners for a day
Would you like to get to know Berlin through the eyes of a Berliner? Hear stories you won't find in any travel guide? Discover places that only locals know?
Sign up now for a
free Greet!
Frequently asked Questions
What is a Greet? +
What does a Greet cost? +
How big can a group be? +
How does the placement of the Greet work? +
Are there fixed routes for a Greet? +
How long does a Greet last? +
Is a Greet possible as a bachelor party? +
Are there other Greeter programes in Germany? +
Are there more Greeter programes in the world? +
How can I become a Greeter myself? +
Become a Greeter
Do you have a special relationship with Berlin?
Would you like to share your enthusiasm for the city?
Do you want to meet new people, use your foreign languages, and volunteer?
Contact us and become a Berlin Greeter!
Become a Greeter
What our guests say
Claudia & Hanspeter, 2019

Liebe Steffi, wir hatten eine interessante, unterhaltsame Fahrradtour mit Charly. Trotz der Kälte hat es uns viel Spaß gemacht und wir haben viel gesehen und über Berlin und seine Bewohner erfahren. Liebe Grüße, Claudia und Hanspeter 2
Edgar & Bettina, 2018

Hallo Steffi, vielen lieben Dank für den organisierten Greet mit Meinhard in Alt Tegel. Wir kannten diesen Ortsteil nur als Endstation der U-Bahn und waren total erstaunt, wie schön es dort ist. Dank Meinhard haben wir einen tiefen Einblick in diesen "Kiez" bekommen, es war ein wunderschöner und erlebnisreicher Tag, an den wir uns immer wieder gerne erinnern werden. Meinhard kannte seinen Stadtteil von der "Pike" auf, seine liebenswerte Art hat uns sehr gefallen. Wir kommen gerne wieder. Liebe Grüße nach Berlin von Edgar und Bettina!
Christine & Dominique, 2017

Hello, de retour en Savoie, nous vous envoyer quelques photos prises avec Peter. Merci Peter pour ton amabilité et ta disponibilté, nous avons vraiment apprecier cette visite avec toi et les anecdotes sur la ville de Berlin. Merci pour tout c'etait une journée formidable. Bien amicalement, Christine et Dominique.